How Teams Work

Creating a Team

If your plan has access to the Teams feature then you can create a team by visiting the Teams page here:

Simply give your team a name and click the 'Submit' button. The team will be created, and you should see a success message. The Team is now ready for use and you can start by clicking the Switch button next to your new team to switch to the team view.

Viewing Team Data

When you switch to a team on the Teams page, you will no longer see data from your personal account but instead see graphs/tables populated with the team data. You can tell if you are viewing Team data from any page by looking at your email address in the top right corner of the screen. If you are viewing team data then the team name will be present in brackets after your email address.

You can now navigate to any section of the menu, and the Reports/Graphs that you see will be those of the team.

Team Roles

There are 3 roles available within a team, each with different capabilities.

  1. User - can view data within the team.
  2. Admin - as above and can invite new members, assigning the User or Admin role. Can also control team Settings/Filters.
  3. Owner - as above and is also responsible for managing team Quota/Billing.

A team member can be moved between the User and Admin roles, but the Owner of a team can't be changed and can't have their role within the team changed.

Team Quota

When you subscribe to an account on Report URI, you receive a monthly report quota to use as part of the plan, say 1,000,000 reports. If you create a team you can then assign part, or all, of your quota to be used by that Team. As an example, you could create two teams and assign them each an equal share of your quota.

This means that a single team cannot consume all the available quota from your subscription and prevent another team from receiving reports. You can change the assigned quota for a team at any time, either increasing or decreasing it as needed. This can be done by the team Owner when they switch to the team where they will be presented with the 'Team Quota Limit' option.

Structuring Your Teams

For organisations, we strongly recommend that the main account which will hold the subscription to a plan, and thus be the Owner of all teams, should be considered carefully and usually be a generic mailbox like This account will need to create new teams as required and assign them a portion of the quota. Ongoing management of that team can then be handed to a member with the Admin role, but the initial task of creating a team can only be done by the account that holds the subscription to a plan.

Should a member of staff then move within, or leave, the organisation, they simply need to be removed from their team/s, with admin roles re-assigned if necessary, but the account that oversees your subscription needs no changes.

If you wish to invite members to access the report data for various but specific sites, this can be done by creating a team for each site and inviting members to the necessary teams. There is no limit to the number of teams you can create or the number of members a team can have. For example, you could create teams as follows:

Each website will send reports to its own team and members are only invited to join the appropriate team for which they should have access.

Team Reporting Address

Just like a registered user on Report URI, a team has its own, dedicated reporting endpoint. To send CSP reports to their account, a user might use an address such as this from the Setup page:


A team will have its own, unique address to send reports to which will look like this:


Aside from the subdomain being unique to the team, note that the path component is also different for a team. When users make a change to send reports to a team instead of their personal account, this difference is often easy to miss.

Each team that you create will be automatically assigned a random subdomain that can be changed to suit your preference.